" This book is a charming reminder to its young readers that life is full of ups and downs no matter how hard you try, and that's normal and OK. Feeling anger and disappointment doesn't mean it's your fault or that you're a bad kid. Rather, the author advises in plain, simple rhyme that you should learn from difficulties, ignore the naysayers, make good choices, and lean on those you love---good advice for anyone at any age, but especially for young people growing up in an age when social media would have you believe that everyone's life but yours is perfect."

Patty McDonald

"Every time I read this story, I get tears in my eyes! It is a love letter, an inspiration, and a great teaching. You can feel how much the author put her heart into this book to convey difficulties that we all face. This book is for all children who are getting to know themselves and their emotions for the first time. I love how the book gracefully dives into tough issues about family history, dynamics and patterns. After reading the book, my mother went to get photos of her parents and grandparents to show to my 6 year old nephew! I highly recommend this book, you will fall in love with it."

amazon customer

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